New moon women's circle
Looking for an empowering connection and community, a place of trust and love?
Service Description
Back in the days women gathered to celebrate, to learn, to cherish and to support in a women’s circle. But, for many centuries they have been absent as society was afraid of the power of the feminine. Circle women were prosecuted and burned. After many years, the tide has turned and women’s circles have gracefully returned to inspire, to connect, to love, to cherish the divine feminine and to support. No matter your age, if you’re spiritual, high-conscious or high-sensitive (and of course female) then please join us at new moon for a circle full of spiritual insights, love, connection and support. Oh and we most certainly fancy a good laugh, a good cuppa and sweets. We can’t do without actually ;). So don’t miss out on this opportunity and let the energy of the new moon, which is all about new beginnings, surprise and fulfill you with its power.

Contact Details
Geldersedam 40, 's-Hertogenbosch, Nederland